[COVID-19] Test Fund (CTF) | Kurnia Insurance

[COVID-19] Test Fund (CTF)

The Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM), Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) and the Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA) has pledged RM8 million to establish a special relief fund or COVID-19 Test Fund (CTF) to support the Ministry of Health's (MoH) efforts to conduct more COVID-19 tests for Malaysians.

The CTF will provide a fixed cash reimbursement for the cost of COVID-19 tests (up to a maximum of RM300 per test) for policyholders and takaful participants.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Policyholders and takaful participants with group medical or individual medical and health insurance policies/takaful certificates must be in force as of 27 March 2020 and the time the test is conducted.  

  2. The claimant has not made a prior claim to CT

  3. Only applicable for those referred by registered doctors.

  4. Those entitled to be referred/tested are: 

    - Deemed as persons under investigation (PUI) as defined by MoH

    - Contacts of a positive case

  5. Clinical samples (Nasopharyngeal swabs) to be tested at recognized private labs as listed on the MoH's COVID-19 website

  6. The following supporting documents are furnished:

    - Letter from MMA-registered doctor confirming eligibility under criteria listed under Point 4  

    - Original receipts of test

    - Copy of the claimants IC


Process Flow For Claimant Submission

Step 1: Underwent COVID-19 Test at MOH Approved Private Facilities

Step 2: Claims e-form can be downloaded via ISM Portal https://myctf.my/

Step 3: Enter key information required in the form

Step 4: Once information on the e-form is completed and required documents uploaded, claimant, to submit information through the Portal.

Step 5: Prepare scanned copy of MyKad, doctor's referral letter and invoice/receipt for the test.


1. What is the COVID-19 Test Fund (CTF) set up by the insurance and takaful industry? 

  • The CTF is an RM8 million fund set up by the insurance and takaful industry to support the Ministry of Health's (MoH) efforts to conduct more COVID-19 testing. 
  • The fund will provide a fixed cash reimbursement up to RM300 for the cost of COVID-19 testing for individuals covered under individual or group Medical and Health Insurance policies/takaful certificates.

2. What are the Medical and Health Insurance/ Takaful products that qualify for the RM300 under CTF? 

  • Medical and Health Insurance/ Takaful products that qualify for the RM300 reimbursement from the COVID-19 Testing Fund shall include products defined in the Bank Negara Malaysia's Guidelines on Medical and Health Insurance/ Takaful. 
  • This includes medical expenses plans, hospital and surgical plans, hospital income plans, and critical illness/dread disease plans and other similar insurance/ Takaful plans offering similar benefits. 
  • The COVID-19 Testing Fund is extended to Malaysians and Non-Malaysians residing in Malaysia. However, the CTF is not extended to the Foreign Worker Hospitalisation Scheme. 

3. Who is eligible to claim from the CTF? 

  • The CTF is only applicable for insurance policyholders/ takaful certificate holders with group*/individual Medical and Health-related insurance policies and takaful certificates, who have been referred by registered doctors for COVID-19 testing at recognised private labs as listed on the MoH COVID-19 website. *for employees only, excluding dependents 
  • Your insurance policy/takaful certificate must be in force as of 27 March 2020 and at the time the COVID-19 test is conducted. 

4. If I have more than one Medical and Health Insurance Policy/Takaful certificate with different insurance and takaful companies, can I claim from more than one company? 

The CTF will pay out up to a maximum of RM300 per individual regardless of the number of COVID-19 tests. You can only claim once from the CTF even though you have more than one Medical and Health Insurance Policy/Takaful certificate. 

5. Who can be tested for COVID-19 under this CTF? 

Those entitled to claim from the CTF must be referred by a registered doctor and are: 

  1. Deemed as persons under investigation (PUI) as defined by MoH (latest version below) or
  2. Contacts of a positive COVID-19 case (MoH definition below). 

Case definition of persons under investigation (PUI) issued by MoH, updated on 25 March 2020 

Annex 1 to MoH COVID-19 Guidelines as updated from time to time: 

  • Acute respiratory infection (sudden onset of respiratory infection with at least one of shortness of breath, cough or sore throat) with or without Fever AND
  • Travelled to / resided in a foreign country within 14 days before the onset of illness OR 
  • Close contact* in 14 days before illness onset with a confirmed case of COVID-19** OR 
  • Attended an event associated with known COVID-19 outbreak 

*Close contact defined as: 

  • Healthcare-associated exposure without appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (including providing direct care for COVID-19 patients, working with healthcare workers infected with COVID-19, visiting patients or staying in the same closed environment of a COVID-19 patient). 
  • Working together in close proximity or sharing the same classroom environment with a COVID-19 patient. 
  • Travelling together with a COVID-19 patient in any kind of conveyance. 
  • Living in the same household as a COVID-19 patient. 

**Confirmed case of COVID-19 defined as a person with laboratory 

confirmation of infection with the COVID-19 

Note: This CTF does not cover Drive-Through tests offered by some private hospitals/laboratories. 

If you need any further clarification, you may reach out our Customer Service team for assistance. 

Customer Care - 1800-88-3833 (Mon-Thurs 8:45am-5:45pm, Fri 8:45am-4:45pm)

We aim to provide the utmost support to our customers during these critical times. Thank you for your continuous support. #MakeMalaysiaSafe