PIAM Flood Relief Fund | Kurnia Insurance

PIAM Flood Relief Fund

Many Malaysians were affected by the unusually severe flooding during the recent monsoon season.


In solidarity with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM), AmGeneral Insurance Berhad is contributing to a RM2.43 million Flood Relief Fund set up to help those affected by the flooding.


This assistance will be in a form of a subsidy for mechanical clean-up works at workshops subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. One-off per vehicle subsidy capped at RM500 for private cars and commercial vehicles.

2. One-off per vehicle subsidy capped at RM100 for motorcycles.

3. Subsidy will be given out on a first come, first served basis until the fund is fully utilised or exhausted.

4. Claimants must submit evidence of flood damage to their vehicles and previous insurance cover.

5. The said vehicle must be currently insured or last insured on 1 June 2021 (any type of motor policy with or without flood cover is accepted).

6. Eligible policyholders can proceed with cleaning work and retain the receipts and photographs to be submitted online via MyCSR-Flood.my starting 15 January 2022.

7. NCD will not be affected if this claim is made.


How do I file a claim to get the subsidy?

Step 1: Visit MyCSR-Flood.my and click on "Submit Claim".

Step 2: Fill in your personal details, vehicle details, and bank details, and upload any other supporting documents as requested.

Step 3: Check your claim status by contacting Kurnia within 14 working days after submission.

Step 4: If your claim is successful, the payout will be directly credited to your bank account within 14 working days.


For more information, please visit MyCSR-Flood.my


If you need further clarification on this initiative, please contact 1 800 88 3833 or email us at claimshd@amgeneralinsurance.com


Thank you and stay safe.