Claims & Help Center

> Motor Bodily Injury Claims > Overview

Motor Bodily Injury Claims


All claims for injuries or fatalities by the third party(ies) that arise as a result of a motor vehicle accident involving our insured's vehicle(s).

Who can make a Motor Bodily Injury Claim?

Third party(ies) who sustained injuries or dependent(s) of the deceased third party(ies).

1. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident in Malaysia/Singapore or Brunei, you are required to notify your insurance company of the accident and render the necessary assistance when required regardless whether you are at fault.

2. In the event that you and/or your passengers are injured or if there are any fatalities due to our policyholder's (insured's) negligence, you may pursue a Motor Bodily Injury claim against us. However, if the accident was caused by any other third party vehicle(s), you are to submit your claim directly against the third party insurer concerned. 

3. Alternatively, if the accident was due to your own negligence, a claim may be filed against you. Please forward all correspondences including Court summons received pertaining to the accident unanswered to your insurance company immediately.

Supporting Documents

  1. All relevant police documents
  2. All relevant medical reports
  3. Photos/Video footage regarding the accident (if any)
  4. All bills and receipts to substantiate your claim

For fatal claims only:

  1. Proof of relationship
  2. Death certificate
  3. Burial permit
  4. Post-mortem report

Note: The list above is not exhaustive. The documents required may vary depending on each case. We reserve the right to conduct an investigation on any claims submitted.

Submission of documents

Please submit the relevant documents by hand or via fax, email, post or courier to our Head Office  / nearest branch.

1. What should I do if I'm involved in a road accident?

You are advised to do the following:

a) If you've sustained any injuries, please seek medical treatment from the nearest hospital/clinic.

b) Notify us immediately if you require assistance at the scene of the accident via the Kurnia One Touch Application or call our Kurnia Auto Assist hotline at 1800 88 3833.

c) Write down the vehicle's registration number and particulars of the parties involved.

d) Take pictures of the injured person(s), vehicle(s) involved and scene of accident.

e) Lodge a police report within 24 hours. If you need to be hospitalised, lodge a police report once condition permits.

2. I did not make an Own Damage claim. Why did I lose my No Claim Discount (NCD)?

Your NCD will be forfeited if there is a claim submitted by the injured party who was involved in the accident with you.

3. What should I do if I receive a letter(s) or "Section 96 Notice" or Court Summons from a third party lawyer?

a) Immediately notify us/agent and submit relevant documents.

b) DO NOT contact the injured party (Claimant) lawyer.

c) DO NOT admit liability.

d) Kindly render full cooperation to us as we may appoint an adjuster to investigate the accident and a lawyer to represent you in court.

4. I have received a letter from a lawyer to attend court. What should I do?

Call us immediately and we shall advise you accordingly.

5. What do I need to do if I received a letter(s) or a claim form from my Insurance Company but I was not involved in the accident?

Talk to us and we will advise you further. We may appoint an adjuster or a lawyer to assist you in this matter.

6. Can I claim for the injury(ies) that I had sustained?

Yes, you may. However, you have to pursue the claim against the Insurance Company covering the vehicle that collided into you (or your vehicle).